Our Weekly Update of Articles

We’ve seen a few articles about this week worth having a look at it. Over at the AntiCapitalist Initiative’s page there’s some reflections on the local demonstration against the bedroom tax:

On Saturday a demonstration was held in central Manchester against the incoming ‘Bedroom Tax’, a series of changes to the welfare system which will hit the least well off in society the hardest, writes Jak Dyehouse.


For the national picture you can see how the Tories’ want to do more damage to our welfare state in this report from the Guardian:

George Osbourne will pledge to introduce even deeper spending cuts after the next general election by imposing a new cap on parts of the welfare budget and other areas which have so far been immune from the coalition’s austerity plans.


And on our own union’s website there’s a great piece of how bankers are still giving themselves massive bonuses while the rest of us see our livelihoods cut:
News today (20 March) that nine Barclays executives received share fortunes worth a combined £40 million provoked fury from the union representing Barclays staff in branches, back offices and call centres, Unite.


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